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info@sensilab.ieThe most common hormones that can act as “block” the weight-loss process are oestrogen and thyroid hormones.
These hormones can slow down or even completely block the fat-burning processes in the body. The outcome? Abdominal fat, fat accumulation around the arms, thighs… Clothes no longer seem to fit like they used to. And the most annoying part - dieting has little to no effect!
Millions of people suffer from hormonal disorders. The most common symptoms are a slowed metabolism, fat accumulation, low energy levels, poor sleep quality, difficulty concentrating…
Thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. These hormones are responsible for managing our metabolism. When the synthesis of thyroid hormones is too slow, the metabolism slows down. As a result, instead of burning calories, the body turns them into fat deposits. No matter what you eat or how active you are, the body still won’t burn fat. You might also experience other symptoms, such as feeling continuously fatigued, trouble managing body temperature, hair loss and difficulty concentrating.
ThyroLux can help you regulate thyroid hormones in a natural way. It contains a powerful combination of 10 high-quality hormone-free ingredients to support the thyroid and effectively manage symptoms.
When oestrogen levels are imbalanced, you might experience a variety of symptoms, including difficulty losing weight. Fat deposits in the lower abdominal area, hip area, cellulite, irritability… These all point to an oestrogen imbalance. Even physical activity cannot solve this problem. And if that’s not enough, oestrogen hormones also impact the functioning of the thyroid!
Regulate oestrogen levels with EstroLux. It’s a 100% natural product, based on plant extracts, without added hormones or soy.
Don’t miss out on these amazing offers on our top-quality products and keep your hormone levels balanced naturally!
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