Lenka: "When I stepped on the scale, I was pleasantly surprised!"

Lenka is 52 and works as a nurse. She's always struggled with her weight, feeling tired all the time, mood swings and a lack of self-confidence... But that quickly changed!


"Before my first pregnancy, I was happy with my weight at 55 kg. With each of my pregnancies, my weight increased. Before I discovered Slimmium, I weighed a total of 95 kg!* I was always tired, had no energy, was often in a bad mood and lacked self-confidence..."

Her friend and her family recommended Slimmium

"Even before the pandemic, I ordered some vitamins and products for strengthening the immune system from Sensilab, Slimmium's parent company. I also decided to try NightBurn EXTREME. I had a glass before bedtime for 30 days and was very happy with the results I was seeing so I decided to order it again!"

She noticed a change after the first week

"I noticed the first changes after about a week of use.* I noticed my clothes felt loose and I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale - it showed that I lost 6 kg!"*

*The effects of the product may vary between individuals and could differ from those described on the website. Our products are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease or serious illness. In order to lose weight, maintaining a  balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important.

"I noticed a decrease in cravings, I was in a better mood and felt better all around. Now I can look in the mirror and feel proud. My loved ones have also commented on the improvement - my husband's compliments especially mean a lot to me."


"I'm so thankful I found these products. Not only do they really work, but they're also affordable and accessible to everyone."

*The effects of the product may vary between individuals and could differ from those described on the website. Our products are not intended to prevent, treat or cure any disease or serious illness. In order to lose weight, maintaining a  balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is important.

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