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info@sensilab.ieA glass of this refreshing drink before training or after lunch helps melt fat faster. Find out how!
You've probably heard of so-called fat-burning foods. These are foods that stimulate the metabolism with the help of thermogenesis - the process in which the body produces heat and therefore burns fat.
The best food for burning fat is definitely papaya. Its best-known benefits include:
Papaya contains an ingredient called papain that has known fat-burning properties. This substance boosts digestion and speeds up the metabolism because it breaks down food proteins once they reach our stomach.
Papain also has a diuretic and anti-cellulite function. They contain organic acids that can effectively combat water retention, the main cause of cellulite. When cellulite reaches harmful levels for tissues, it creates lumps and dimples on our skin, the so-called orange-peel" effect.
FatBurn Extreme, which contains 3 powerful, natural fat burners (green tea, mate tea and guarana), 1000 mg of L-carnitine, all B-vitamins and papain, is the ideal summer drink for anyone who wants to exercise more and also get more out of exercise. It is full of energy and rewards any form of exercise by increasing calorie burning and fat-burning capacity.
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