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info@sensilab.ieConstant tiredness, cravings, restlessness and constantly feeling under pressure can be signs of adrenal fatigue. It's a hormonal disorder caused by chronic stress.
Prolonged stress can cause the cortisol in our body to go into overdrive - leading to various health problems, such as obesity, depression and cardiovascular disease.
Stress levels and an unhealthy lifestyle are a serious problem, reaching devastating proportions.
Cortisol is a hormone that’s triggered by the adrenal gland when stressed. Everyday stress can be quite normal: starting in the morning as we rush to get to work on time and can continue through the day. Unhealthy interpersonal relationships at work and at home, a fast-paced way of life, lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition… All of this can affect our stress levels.
Cortisol raises blood sugar in order to equip our bodies to cope with stressful situations. Unfortunately, frequent and long-term boosts to cortisol levels can also have adverse effects.
It can manifest as the symptoms listed above, which can have an impact on overall quality of life. In extreme cases, it can lead to adrenal burnout. Digging yourself out of burnout can be a long and arduous process.
A body exhibiting symptoms of stress can be helped in a timely manner, with carefully selected natural ingredients that help support the stress-response system.
Cordyceps mushrooms, ginseng and rose root are three powerful adaptogens which can, along with vitamin B5, increase resistance to various forms of stress and help restore vitality.
They work by improving adrenal function and balancing the production of key hormones, which helps control stress and prevents fatigue.
Stress should remain a natural mechanism of the body, helping us only when needed!
Stop feeling helpless with Adrenalux - natural adrenal support!
Adrenalux helps:
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